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- 2024 8th grade
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- How to.... Schoology (tips)
- Your Daily Dose of the Internet
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- 2019-20 Downloadables
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- 2017 iPads
June 9/10, 2021
- Promotion is June 9
- Last day of school is June 10
- Classes 1/3/5 only (no zero period)
June 7/8, 2021
- Last day of Zero Period is Tuesday June 8. NO zero period on Wednesday or Thursday Mismatch Game
- SexEd crossword and wordsearch due by end of class today
- outside class photo
June 3/4, 2021
- O period Friday - start extra credit, finish Hidden Figures
- Discovery Ed Video on Birth Control
- STI Kahoot
- 5th period: start Extra Credit
June 2, 2021
- Wed B day 0/2/4/6
June 1, 2021
- off day: watch Hidden figures
May 31 NO school
May 27/28, 2021
- 0/1st/3rd: start STI ppt
- Friday 0 : Kahoot on STI
- 5th: STI ppt (finish) Kahoot
- 2nd/4th: start/finish STI ppt
May 26, 2021
- wed A day 1/3/5
- CORE testing
May 24/25, 2021
- no zero period
- 1st period testing all day Monday and Tuesday
may 20/21, 2021
- 0 period - hidden figures
- 1st: practice CAASP test
- 3rd - hidden figures
- 5th - HealthEd: birth Control, Contraceptinve fact sheet, safe surrender, Begin STI ppt
- 2nd: watch hidden figures
- 4th: catch up because of Fire Drill last week
May 19, 2021
- Wednesday - study hall, Ms Toal not feeling well
May 17/18, 2021
- Bullying and Abuse
- toxic people
- Stacys MS story
- Consent Tea
May 13/14, 2021
- Gender ppt
- Genderbread man
- Kahoot for gender
May 12, 2021
- Wednesday
May 10/11, 2021
- Begin Health Ed
- Puberty Video (DiscoveryEd)
- Establish Group Rules
- PDF body parts
- Chapter 16 in textbook,
May 6/7, 2021
- tba
May 5, 2021
- Wednesday B day 2/4/6
- HR
May 3/4, 2021
- no internet for 1st period, so - change in plans. Demo is starting on Thursday next to my room and internet will probably be sketchy still.
- So, we are drawing a pop up T-rex that you would've done this year anyway :)
- no more waves, no quiz on thursday /friday
April 29/30, 2021
- Update lab book
- Begin Waves unit
- Waves Vocab and videos
- Bill Nye Waves
April 28, 2021
- Wednesday A day 1/3/5
- Finish the Martian and work on Newtons 3rd law poster
April 26/27, 2021
- Watch the Martian
- work on Newtons 3rd Law poster
april 22/23, 2021
- Newtons 3rd Law - video
- Newtons 3rd law poster
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWOv7NyOnhY&list=PL3E788EDA794CCE7B&index=8
- The Martian movie
april 21, 2021
- B day wednesday
- HR
April 19/20, 2021
- Net Forces warm up - due today in class.
- Go over Newtons Laws: videos from slide deck
- Assign Gizmo on Newton's Second Law
April 15/16, 2021
- Begin watching The Martian (0/1/3)
- 2nd - go over slide deck #1-12. class time to turn in notes
- Red bull ski cross : www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsEMjWdgRdw
April 14, 2021
- Wednesday 1/3/5 - teaching from home and going over vocal #1-#12
- Homeroom
April 12/13, 2021
- Begin Forces and Newtons Laws vocabulary
- Forces Slide Deck
April 1/2, 2021
- Quiz (open notebook ) on Speed, Potential and Kinetic Energy
- Mythbusters video (forces)
March 31, 2021
- Wednesday B day (2/4/6)
- Homeroom
march 29/30, 2021
- go over Gizmo Motion and Energy Skate Park simulations
- Go to Clever, and then find the McGraw Hill assignment: net forces. Watch the video and answer the questions listed. (4 questions/8points) Due by midnight tonight.
- review for quiz - Kahoot
- FYI: update your lab book: we will be most likely be coming back to school this school year without cohorts so if you are in a cohort, you will need your lab book for the remainder of the year in my class for sure. At least figure out the table of contents and page numbers correctly if you haven't done anything this year.
march 25/26, 2021
- Roller Coaster KE and PE
- Quiz in 1 week on physics vocab
March 22/23, 2021
- first day in school!
- first day of spring was Saturday
- Turn in your Gizmo motion (due today)
- Physics: Energy skate park
Mar 18/19, 2021
- Daily Dose
- Show updated lab book slide deck
- Go over the rest of the Vocabulary
- Gizmo: motion - make sure you know how to calculate speed (distance/time)
Mar 17, 2021
- Bday wednesday 2/4/6
- Homeroom
March 15/16, 2021
- Daily Dose
- Download McGraw Physics Vocab
- Physics Vocab worksheet with Slide Deck
- Take Pretest for Physics through McGraw
Mar 11/12, 2021
- Assign "Encountering Phenomena: motion and forces" - quick and simple McGraw Hill pilot. Go to Clever to access McGraw.
- Go over Alien Slide Deck and worksheet - due Monday.
Mar 10 2021
- A day Wednesday
- Video on Inner Fish
- Homeroom
Mar4/5, 2021
- work on Alien Project: submit photo by midnight tonight
mar 3, 2021
- Videp on ....
Mar 1/2, 2021
- Assign Alien Project - planet/moon assigned randomly by break out groups
Feb 25/26, 2021
- Finish Outer Planet Notes
- talk about partners for Alien Project
Feb 24, 2021
- A day Wednesday (0/1/3/5)
- 0/1/3 - Finish October Sky
Feb 22/23, 2021
- Planet Notes - finish Inner planets
- some videos to watch on planets
Feb 18/19, 2021
- Mars Perseverance slide deck - woohoo! It landed :)
- Begin Inner Planet Notes and videos (Inner planets)
Feb 17, 2021
- Bday Wednesday.
- 2nd period - finish October Sky
- HR: 30 min
Feb 15/16, 2021
- no school on monday
- Period 2: tba
Feb 11/12, 2021
- Watch October Sky (40 more min)
Feb 10, 2021
- A day (0/1/3/5) classes today
- Begin October Sky - 30 minutes
- GEA coming for a 10 minute presentation
- HR: 30 minutes
Feb 8/9, 2021
- Daily Dose of Internet
- Sun Quiz - open notebook, 20 questions, 40 points (sun notes, webquest, and sun video worksheets)
- You absolutely must submit quiz today by the end of class.
Feb 4/5, 2021
- review for quiz next class on the SUN
- highlight sun notes and sun video
- Review with Kahoot
- Sun Webquest should have been turned in by now.
feb 3, 2021
- 2/4/6 HR
- 2nd period: GEA talk - begin October SKy video
Feb 1/2, 2021
- Double dose of internet
- Turn in Box at EAMS for your beautiful artwork if you choose to give it up to me - I love your artwork and I need it on my walls.
- go over answers for Sun Video
- Gravity Pitch Gizmo - work on in class - I think this one is fun
jan 28/29, 2021
- This day in history 35 years ago (Jan 28)
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4JOjcDFtBE&feature=emb_logo
- The Sun Video and worksheet
Jan 27, 2021
- One last sub day - sorry guys
- 0/1/3/5 - Wednesday Video Day finish To The Moon
Jan 25/26, 2021
- Update lab book
- The Sun WebQuest
Jan 21/22, 2021
- Sub day: Assign "Gravity in our Solar System" article to read and questions to answer.
- Solar System poster due today
- I will update lab book next week to cover page numbers for Sun Notes, Scaled Drawing Poster, Gravity in our Solar System.
Jan 20, 2021
- Sub day today
- work on poster in class
- Draw the planets to scale - beginning with the Sun on the left.
- Homeroom after morning classes
Jan 18/19, 2021
- No school on Monday
- Extra Credit Wednesday B day
- To the Moon Video 45 - 1:25
- Video quiz to follow
Jan 14/15, 2021
- Review Sun Notes
- Assign Scale of the Solar System - just complete the data table today
jan 13, 2021
- This is our first Wednesday of our new schedule
- 0/1/3/5 periods today
- ExtraCredit Movie Wednesday - To the Moon (45-1:25)
Jan 11/12, 2021
- Begin Sun Notes
- Begin taking your notes on the Sun and we will finish notes next class
Jan 7/8, 2021
- Take Roll/Daily Dose
- Sun Myths assignment
- Intro to Rockets - quick google forms survey
- To the Moon (30-45) - 15 minutes and quiz to follow
Jan 6, 2021
- homeroom
jan 4/5, 2021
- To the Moon Video
- 8 question quiz to follow video - due today
dec 17/18, 2020
- Finish A year in Space
- 17 question Quiz to immediately follow: quiz is on Earth Notes, Moon Notes and summer/winter Gizmos
dec 16, 2020
- homeroom
Dec 14/15, 2020
- Phases of the moon - draw and label phases of moon
- A year In Space - video quiz immediately follow video - due before class is over
- Quiz next class on Earth Notes/Moon Notes/Summer winter gizmo and Phases of teh moon gizmo
Dec 10/11, 2020
- Update lab book
- Finish Moon Notes - go over tides and eclipses
- Turn in Moon Notes today (by midnight) :)
- go over Summer and WInter Gizmo (which is due today)
- Assign last Gizmo on the Moon "Phases of the Moon" - just ACTIVITY A done before next class. We will draw phases of the moon next class.
Dec 9, 2020
- Homeroom
dec 7/8, 2020
- A year in space Video (first 30 minutes)
- Video QUiz to follow and it is due today by the end of class. (8 questions, 1 point each)
Dec 3/4, 2020
- Update Lab book
- Go over "The day the Mesozoic died" page 20
- Moon Notes begin (page 21 and 22)
- Gizmo Winter Summer begin
Dec 2, 2020
- Homeroom
nov 30/Dec 1
- Daily Dose
- Check in - how was your break
- Movie day - How the mesozoic died video
Nov 19/20, 2020
- Grade book is closed. Last day to submit work was Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
- Review Earth Notes with Kahoot. (quiz in December)
November 18, 2020
Nov 16/17, 2020
- Show launch of "Resilience" to ISS
- Finish Earth Notes
- Chris wringing out water on the ISS www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8TssbmY-GM
Nov 12/13, 2020
- Earth Notes - begin
- Write your Earth Notes in your lab book on pages 17 and 18. If you can't print out the Earth Notes handout, then you will need to write it all down on the two pages
- The photo below must be drawn on page 19 in your lab book (it is page 469 in the blue science text book)
- CSA "Chris' Kitchent" www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZx0RIV0wss

2020earthnotes_distance_learn.docx | |
File Size: | 880 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Nov 9/10, 2020
- Density Lab is due today.
- Trimester is ending next week. You must turn in all assignments ON TIME if you want credit.
- Start New Unit on Space/Astronomy.
- Assign simple in class assignment in StemScopes
- Imagine your an Astronaut - extra credit - must be received by Nov 18 to receive credit.

international_space_station.pptx | |
File Size: | 2519 kb |
File Type: | pptx |
Nov 5/6, 2020
- Density Quiz
- Log into StemScopes
- Turn in your Density worksheet
- Class time to ask questions about Density Lab Gizmo
- Next week we start a new unit : Space / Astronomy
nov 4, 2020
- Homeroom
nov 2/3, 2020

8th grade lab book. table_of_contents.pdf | |
File Size: | 9272 kb |
File Type: |

- Page 16 in your lab book: Density Review - key concepts on Gizmos write this page in your lab book on page 16
- Warm up PPT on Density
- Kahoot
- QUiz next class on Density
Oct 29/30, 2020
- Daily Dose/Take Roll
- Finishing Activity C of Density Worksheet turn it in (actually due on Monday)
- Begin Density Lab Gizmo (page 15 in lab book)
oct 28, 2020
- Homeroom
oct 26/27, 2020
- Take Roll/Daily Dose
- Notes on Density page 13 in your lab book
- Density Discussion - you must participate and submit your answers during class. This is classwork, not homework. (0/2nd/3rd)
- Page 14 in lab book: Begin Density Gizmo today - Finish Activity A and B by next class
- HOMEWORK: density notes, density Gizmo A and B by next class
Oct 22/23, 2020
- Last Day to turn in Property of Matter Notes
- Take roll / Daily Dose
- 0 period: we are fine - study hall day today.
- 1st period - I will start Activity C today and your homework is to finish this worksheet and turn in
- 2nd period: I will allow 10 minutes on Gizmo Measuring Volume, submit, and then we will start on "Part 2 Gismo Measuring Volume SOLIDS" (due 10/30 for 2nd period)
- 3rd period: we are fine - study hall today
- Heres the Bill Nye link if you cant view through webex or if you just want some BILL!
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENPnNarVvaI
Oct 21, 2020
- Homeroom
oct 19/20, 2020
- take roll/daily dose
- Finish and turn in Measuring Volume part 2 Solids
- EPIC FAIL WITH ZOOM - need a catch up day (for 2nd and 4th)
Oct 15/16, 2020
- Warm up in lab book - page 11
- Begin Measuring Volume part 2 SOLIDS
- Property of Matter notes was assigned a week ago and are due today.
- GIZMO Measuring Volume - last day to turn in for credit is today (zero/1st/3rd period ) 2nd period - your last day to turn it in is Oct 20, 2020
- Exit ticket - gizmo assessment.
Oct 14, 2020
- Homeroom
oct 12/13, 2020
- take roll/daily dose
- TBB and Graduated Cylinder Notes are a zero if not turned in right now.
- Measurements Quiz (during class only) 24 points / 30 points (15 multiple choice questions - each on is worth 2 points). Do not use your lab book
- Review Graduated Cylinders and water displacement slide deck
oct 8, 2020
- update lab book - see "Table of Contents LAB BOOK" tab to see pages
- Questions about Gizmo Volume? due next class
- Review for Quiz next week
- Kahoot Grad Cylinders
- HW: Properties of Matter Notes - due in one week. Write these on page
oct 7, 2020
- homeroom
oct 6, 2020
- TBB review slide deck
- Kahoot TBB
- Gizmo Measuring Volume
Oct 5, 2020
- catch up day
Oct 2, 2020
- no school
Oct 1, 2020
- TBB review slide deck
- Kahoot TBB
- Gizmo Measuring Volume
sept 30, 2020
- homeroom
sept 28/29, 2020
- Take roll
- daily dose of the internet
- Begin Triple Beam Balance and Graduated Cylinder notes (page 7 in your lab book)
- The notes are also on Schoology - yay - finally figured it out.
- Sign up for Gizmo for interactive TBB.
- Here is the link:
- www.explorelearning.com/
- 0 period = 2FZ89R
- 1 period = LDPQTR
- 2 period = GJZTBC
- 3 period = PK25NH
- 4 period = VZXD6C
- 5 period = VBDG29
- Discussion with Gizmo TBB due today

2020 printout notes for TBB Gr Cyl.doc | |
File Size: | 71 kb |
File Type: | doc |
Sept 24/25, 2020
- Scavenger Hunt due today
- Take roll
- Daily Dose of the Internet
- Set up lab book for Measurement practice
- Measurements - metric ruler slide deck
- How long is it? Worksheet
- HW: finish Worksheet and turn in - due 10/1 or 10/2

2020_measurement_tools_-_metric_rulers.pptx | |
File Size: | 5351 kb |
File Type: | pptx |

how_long_is_it__editable_pdf.pdf | |
File Size: | 276 kb |
File Type: |
Sept 23, 2020
- Home room
Sept 21/22, 2020
- Update Lab book
- Metric Notes
- TedEd Video on why we use metric system
- youtu.be/7bUVjJWA6Vw
- Kahoot
- IF you have any zeros, it is mandatory that you attend the morning support meetings on Tuesday and Thursday. If you do not attend, then the zeros will remain as zeros (the window to turn in missing work is 2 weeks)
- Metric Notes video is linked below
- urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.showme.com/sh?h=hKN5BgW__;!!CDXB8Uds!svUrqUnLbhkFqkTbanopkqcd9z62Xr76TgqbUlLaL73YajI6ouODicYSptqaMw$
Sept 17/18, 2020
- Bitmoji due today
- Begin Scavenger Hunt - Part 1: editable PDF. (schoology) - turn into schoology when finished.
- When you open the Scavenger Hunt document, YOU MUST MAKE A COPY FIRST.
- HW: finish Scavenger Hunt and turn into schoology by 9/24.
- Here is a video explaining the worksheet. Do not write anything down during the video. The idea is that you go get things after instructional video and then you write down what you found.
- www.showme.com/sh?h=PduiBDk
Sept 14/15, 2020
How to remove background of a photo for bitmoji classroom
- Take roll, Daily Dose of the Internet
- TedEd: refresh on density and the meniscus
- ed.ted.com/best_of_web/8HDeZKFr
- work on bitmoji in class - due 9/17 and 9/18
- Morning check in classes will start this week on Tues and Thursdays
- Only for support if needed, not mandatory
Sept 10/11, 2020
- Update Lab books and table of contents
- Assign Bitmoji project
- work on bitmoji in class
Sept 8/9, 2020
- Ms Toal attempting to summit Mt Whitney... see you Thursday / Friday
Sept 3/4, 2020
- Turn in your ABCDE Photo to Schoology
- Bring your lab book - assign lab book cover and how to do it (video below
- Go over ABCDE with slide deck
- Review ABCDE's with Kahoot
- HW: make a lab book cover
Sept 2, 2020
- I will not be in - Dr Olness will be starting the HR class at 1:20 today. thank you
Aug 31/Sept 1, 2020
- Take Roll/ Daily Dose
- ABCDE's of Ms Toal's class
- Show Me Video:urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.showme.com/sh?h=DyC9svY__;!!CDXB8Uds!ptc3ULVdSE45BJCNqKGLD1Z6Uc9053-UHj083IAyN9fpPTXhKqmMm2QpMszvig$
- Practice uploading photo - the link below is a video showing how to do this in schoology.
- urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.showme.com/sh?h=oKnPqWe__;!!CDXB8Uds!uICN6uSanV1XTB_Xw6Ms4_VQeXtleS9ecSQhVCI2Me8MoehAM2CFPD6JH2G96w$
- Take the Science Materials Questionaire
- HW: parent signature of ABCDE's and upload photo of signed sheet into Schoology.
Aug 27/28, 2020
- Daily Agenda:
- take roll
- daily dose of the internet
- Time to move - 3 min activity :)
aug 26, 2020
- Good morning! Today is 3rd period Homeroom from 12:20 - 1:20
- Sign into your 3rd period today - we will be linking our google drive to Schoology :)
- Agenda: take roll, watch Mr Hansen's Video, Google Slide on how to add Google Drive to Schoology, Daily Dose of Internet... ice breaker question?
aug 25, 2020
- Good morning! This is our daily agenda for today - our first distance learning day of 2020 :)
- Take roll - are you able to log on, figure our mic and video, etc
- Daily Dose of the internet
- Intro to Course through Schoology
- Kahoot 9see if you can log in)
Aug 21, 2020
- good morning! Welcome back to distance learning. I am hoping that you can get some supplies for science this year:
- A marbled patterned 70 page composition lab book. It can be of any color, wide or college ruled. Do not get a spiral notebook - these do not last throughout the whole year.
- Scotch tape or glue sticks (not Elmers glue)
- a ruler, pencil, and if you can get a small set of colored pencils - cool.
- This is a very challenging time, but we will start slow and steady. You will need to be on time to our online classes.
- Looking forward to seeing you on Aug 25!
- If you received a lab book when you picked up your books, then you are good! I handed out lab books with graph paper. Its fine - I will give you further instruction on what to do with the lab books :)
Aug 20, 2020
- Good morning! I have set up my WebEx meetings for your classes. I will be posting the webex links on my website (www.mstoal.com) and also Schoology next week. I'm new at this Schoology...
- and I am also setting up Google Classroom. If you could join my google classroom, that would be great!! The codes are on my website home page at www.mstoal.com
Aug 19, 2020
- Hi Kids! I'll be helping out on August 19 - passing out lab books for you. If you need a lab book, come by school and get one from me - its just for my students that Im passing out lab books for. Hope to see you!