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May 10/11, 2021
- Begin Health Ed
- Group Rules
- Chapter 16 textbook
- since 8th and 7th is the same right now, click on 8th grade agenda for the rest of the year
May 6/7, 2021
- Plate tectonics Gizmo
may 5, 2021
- Wednesday B day 2/4/6
- HR
May 3/4, 2021
- Types of Faults and earthquake boundaries - draw and label
April 29/30, 2021
- Draw Layers of the Earth
- Plate Tectonics - color and label diagram
- Bill Nye Rocks and Soil
April 28, 2021
- Wednesday A day 1/3/5
- HR
April 26/27, 2021
- Go over Vocab (5th period)
- Finish Rock Cycle Gizmo
- Draw Rock Cycle on page 48
April 22/23, 2021
- Turn in Geology Vocab
- Rock Cycle Gizmo - being in class, finish on Monday
April 21, 2021
- Wed B day 2/4/6
- HR
April 19/20, 2021
- Begin Geology - vocab first
April 15/16, 2021
- Finish Ecosystems Poster
- Eventually, hand in poster to Room 24/Ms Toal
- Movie day today: Yellowstone national park (best ecosystem ever)
April 14, 2021
- Wednesday A day - work on poster, working from home today
- Homeroom
April 12/13, 2021
- Start working on part 2 Ecosystem Poster
- Due at end of class April 15/16, 2021
April 1/2, 2021
- Finish and turn in your part 1 ecosystem document today by end of class
March 31, 2021
- B day wednesday
- Homeroom
March 29/30
- Begin Ecosystem Poster Project part 1
March 25/26, 2021
- Ecology Crossword
March 22/23, 2021
- first day in school
- first day of spring was Saturday
- 20 min to work on Gizmo Food Chain
- Assign Interactive Antarctic Food Chain game
march 18/19, 2021
- Daily Dose
- Don forget Ecology Vocab
- 15/ 20 min video to intro food chain
- Begin Gizmo food chain
Mar 17, 2021
- Bday Wednesday
- HR.
Mar 15/16, 2021
- Finish Go React
- Daily Dose
- Begin Ecology
- What is a food web? What is a food chain
- Ecology Vocab - sign into Quizlet
Mar 11/12, 2021
- Go React - interactive periodic table
Mar 10, 2021
- A day Wednesday
- Homeroom
Mar 8/9, 2021
mar 4/5, 2021
- Review Chem
- Kahoot
Mar 3, 2021
- B day Wednesday 2/4
- Homeroom
Mar 1/2, 2021
- Study hall day - turn in all missing assignments, work today on current assignments
- All work must be turned in by Friday at noon.
feb 25/26, 2021
- TedEd video: Periodic Table youtu.be/O-48znAg7VE
- "Inside the squares" worksheet do this
- “Go React” worksheet - begin interactive periodic table - due in a week
feb 24, 2021
- Wednesday A day (0/1/3/5)
- Hunting the Elements video - 59 - 90 min
feb 22/23, 2021
- “It’s Elementary” worksheet
- Periodic Table Notes - begin in class and finish for homework
Feb 18/19, 2021
- Assign Periodic Table Notes for homework - due by beginning of next class
- Explain Mars Rover Perseverance
Feb 17, 2021
- Wednesday Bday (2/4/6)
- Homeroom
Feb 15/16, 2021
- NO School on Monday
- 4th period - work on your element name poster - may go into break out rooms of choice
Feb 11/12,2021
- Open notebook quiz on the Atomic Box and Atomic Structure (10 pts)
- Assign Element Name Poster - due in one week
Feb 10, 2021
- A day Wednesday (0/1/3/5)
- Extra Credit: Hunting the Elements Video 25-60 minutes
feb 8/9, 2021
- Atomic Box Structure part 2 (page 31 in lab book)
- One more super awesome you tube song on the periodic table? ok!
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz4Dd1I_fX0
- Quiz next class on the Atom and Atomic Box (open notebook)
feb 4/5, 2021
- Atomic Box worksheet (page 30 in lab book)
feb 3, 2021
- 2/4/6 Wednesday B day
- 4th period: hunting the elements and video questions to follow - due by midnight tonight
- Homeroom for 30 min
Feb 1/2, 2021
- Draw Carbon atom on page 28 (Im allowing two pages for atom notes in lab bb book)
- urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.showme.com/sh?h=RaW0A6a__;!!CDXB8Uds!vZuFD9guaHgnsHU2mYRtcXPY6pSsz5EDg52V1pHWe-qvJ_IWbRBoWayPAa-w_g$
- Atomic Box notes page 29.
- urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.showme.com/sh?h=Kg4sCES__;!!CDXB8Uds!oa_toaoOx2seviVzQDku4sgkZVo854eBw55gXDY1hFZTh-0Oz8hS4XXsBAuskQ$
Jan 28/29, 2021
- In this day in history 35 years ago (Jan 28)
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4JOjcDFtBE&feature=emb_logo
- Finish Atom Notes - the atom song, yes another one
- Draw the Atom in our lab book at the end of our Atom notes
- Assign Periodic Table (Fill in the symbols)
Jan 27, 2021
- Hunting the Elements (25 - 60 min) Extra Credit - answer only if you want EC.
Jan 25/26, 2021
- Update Lab book
- Notes on the Atom
Jan 21/22, 2021
- today at 9:21pm it will be the 21st second of the 21st minute of the hour of the 21st day of the 21st century!!
- 'STEM Physical and Chemical Changes" - go to 'Clever" and then 'Stemscopes' to access this assignment. There are questions to answer for this assignment. First, click on VIDEO PREVIEW, then click launch after you watch the video
- Complete the questions on a google doc and submit to Schoology
Jan 20, 2021
- Work on 'Storyboardthat' mini poster
Jan 18/19, 2021
- no school on monday
- Tuesday: Begin 'Hunting for the Elements Video'
Jan 14/15, 2021
- Finish up our posters, turn in today
- Assign 'Storyboardthat.com' mini cartoon
Jan 13, 2021
- Wednesday A Day: zero period / 1st / 3rd / 5th
- Homeroom
Jan 11/12, 2021
- Work on poster in class
Jan 7/8, 2021
- Take roll/Daily Dose
- Begin/Assign Physical and Chemical Changes poster
- we will work on this in class - all next class too
jan 6, 2021
- homeroom
jan 4/5, 2021
- Introduce Physical and chemical change
dec 17/18, 2020
- Science Classroom Bingo
dec 16, 2020
- Homeroom
Dec 14/15, 2020
- ed.ted.com/lessons/why-does-ice-float-in-water-george-zaidan-and-charles-morton
- Mythbusters Goldfish memory
dec 10/11, 2020
- finish Phet worksheet (states of matter)
- turn it in when you finished - it is due next class (Dec 14/15)
- Kahoot on Ch 3.1 and 3.2
Dec 9, 2020
- Homeroom
dec 7/8, 2020
- Review Phase Changes
- update lab book - Dry Ice Demo on page 21
- Dry Ice Demo today - we will write out observations in lab book.
Dec 3/4, 2020
- Daily Dose
- Phase Change Triangle (page19)
- Stemscopes for States of Matter (Solid Liquid Gas)
dec 2, 2020
- homeroom
Nov 30/Dec 1, 2020
- Finish Ch 3 notes
- we will finish Ch 3.2 notes today.
- When finished, please take a photo and submit into schoology
Nov 19/20, 2020
- Begin taking Notes on Chapter 3.
- Set up lab book for Ch 3 notes
- Open Kami or print out notes to fill some of it out today :)
- Kahoot - frontloading....
Nov 18, 2020
Nov 16/17, 2020
- Density Demo
- Begin Notes on States of Matter and Phases (Ch3 in the Blue Book)
- Look at PDF of Ch 3 text book
nov 12/13, 2020
- Density Quiz
Nov 9/10, 2020
- Review for Density Quiz next class (multiple choice, you can use your lab book on quiz)
- Go through lab book pages - write review on page 15
- Kahoot.
Nov 5/6, 2020
- update lab book and table of contents
- warm up question
- urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.showme.com/sh?h=MfKPRRo__;!!CDXB8Uds!vh4ojAgcdGwaebUh2HJPFio7jW7SUKkfYBY0Uiham3Q5BP6Y1vWC77Mt5u6uWA$
- work on Density Worksheet Gizmo Activity C. - No internet for friday 4th period.
nov 4, 2020
- homerooom
Nov 2/3, 2020
- Work in class on Density Gizmo
- turn in at end of class
Oct 29/30, 2020
- Take Roll/Daily Dose
- Measuring Volume assessment questions - due in class
- Density Video (edPuzzle)
- Begin Density Gizmo
oct 28, 2020
- homeroom
Oct 26/27, 2020
- 4th/5th period: Density of water - page 12 in lab book
- 4th/5th period: Notes on Density - page 13
- Finish Measuring Volume 2 - submit to schoology (4th)
- 5th period: Bill Nye Measurements
oct 22/23, 2020
- 4th period: warm up on page 11 in lab book. Finish Gizmo Measuring Volume (10 min), begin Measuring Volume part 2 SOLIDS
- Begin Gizmo Measuring Volume part 2
oct 21, 2020
- Homeroom
oct 19/20, 2020
- take roll/ daily dose
- warm up question in lab book page 11
- Quiz on Measurements.
Oct 15/16, 2020
- Graduated Cylinder Worksheet was assigned a week ago and is due today
- Gizmo Measuring Volumewe will finish in class on Mon/Tues.
- Review For QUIZ next class - get your lab books out and lets review how to read a graduated cylinder and a triple beam.
- Kahoot review with ruler/TBB/ Graduated Cylinder
oct 12/13, 2020
- take roll/daily dose
- Activity: Measuring Volume Gizmo - begin in class. We will work on it more next class too
oct 8/9, 2020
- Read Graduated Cylinder worksheet assign
- Review graduated cylinder with kahoot
oct 7, 2020
- homeroom
oct 6, 2020
- Review Triple Beam Balance slide deck
- Go back to Gizmo
- Gizmo TBB DIscussion
- Kahoot TBB
Oct 5, 2020
- catch up day (review with kahoot)
Oct 2, 2020
- no school
Oct 1, 2020
- Review Triple Beam Balance slide deck
- Go back to Gizmo
- Gizmo TBB DIscussion
- We will try Gizmo assessment
Sept 30, 2020
Homeroom 3rd period
sept 28/29, 2020
- Take roll
- daily dose of the internet
- Begin Triple Beam Balance and Graduated Cylinder notes (page 7 in your lab book)
- The notes are also on Schoology - yay - finally figured it out.
- Sign up for Gizmo for interactive TBB.
- www.explorelearning.com
- 0 period = 2FZ89R
- 1 period = LDPQTR
- 2 period = GJZTBC
- 3 period = PK25NH
- 4 period = VZXD6C
- 5 period = VBDG29
2020 Triple Beam Balance and Graduated Cylinder Notes | |
File Size: | 308 kb |
File Type: | pptx |
2020Printout Notes TBB GrCyl Notes | |
File Size: | 71 kb |
File Type: | doc |
Sept 24/25, 2020
- Scavenger Hunt due today
- Take roll
- Daily Dose of the Internet
- Set up lab book for Measurement practice
- Measurements - metric ruler slide deck
- How long is it? Worksheet
- HW: finish Worksheet and turn in - due 10/1 or 10/2
2020_measurement_tools_-_metric_rulers.pptx | |
File Size: | 5351 kb |
File Type: | pptx |
how_long_is_it__editable_pdf.pdf | |
File Size: | 276 kb |
File Type: |
Sept 23, 2020
- Home room
Sept 21/22, 2020
- Update Lab book
- Metric Notes
- TedEd Video on why we use metric system
- youtu.be/7bUVjJWA6Vw
- Kahoot on metrics
- IF you have any zeros, it is mandatory that you attend the morning support meetings on Tuesday and Thursday. If you do not attend, then the zeros will remain as zeros (the window to turn in missing work is 2 weeks)
- Metric Notes video is linked below
- urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.showme.com/sh?h=hKN5BgW__;!!CDXB8Uds!svUrqUnLbhkFqkTbanopkqcd9z62Xr76TgqbUlLaL73YajI6ouODicYSptqaMw$
Sept 17/18, 2020
- Bitmoji due today
- Begin Scavenger Hunt - Part 1: editable PDF. (schoology) - turn into schoology when finished.
- When you open the Scavenger Hunt document, YOU MUST MAKE A COPY FIRST.
- HW: finish Scavenger Hunt and turn into schoology by 9/24.
- Here is a video explaining the worksheet. Do not write anything down during the video. The idea is that you go get things after instructional video and then you write down what you found.
- www.showme.com/sh?h=PduiBDk
Sept 14/15, 2020
- How to remove background of a photo for bitmoji classroom
www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqsjZ7EzMxA - Take roll, Daily Dose of the Internet
- TedEd: refresh on density and the meniscus
- ed.ted.com/best_of_web/8HDeZKFr
- work on bitmoji in class - due 9/17 and 9/18
- Morning check in classes will start this week on Tues and Thursdays
- Only for support if needed, not mandatory
Sept 10/11, 2020
- Update Lab books and table of contents
- Assign Bitmoji project
- work on bitmoji in class
Sept 8/9, 2020
- Ms Toal will not be in today because she is attempting to summit Mt Whitney...send me strength kids!! and some luck :)
sept 3/4,2020
- Turn in your ABCDE Photo to Schoology
- Bring your lab book - assign lab book cover and how to do it (video below
- Go over ABCDE with slide deck
- Review ABCDE's with Kahoot
- HW: make a lab book cover
sept 2, 2020
- HR - I will not be here today. Dr Olness will take the class at 1:20 :)
aug 31/sept 1, 2020
- Take Roll/ Daily Dose
- ABCDE's of Ms Toal's class
- Show Me Video:urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.showme.com/sh?h=DyC9svY__;!!CDXB8Uds!ptc3ULVdSE45BJCNqKGLD1Z6Uc9053-UHj083IAyN9fpPTXhKqmMm2QpMszvig$
- Practice uploading photo - the link below shows you how to do this with schoology
- urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.showme.com/sh?h=oKnPqWe__;!!CDXB8Uds!uICN6uSanV1XTB_Xw6Ms4_VQeXtleS9ecSQhVCI2Me8MoehAM2CFPD6JH2G96w$
- Take the Science Materials Questionaire
- HW: parent signature of ABCDE's and upload photo of signed sheet into Schoology.
aug 27/28, 2020
- Daily Agenda:
- take roll
- daily dose of the internet
- Time to move - 3 min activity :)
aug 26, 2020
- Good morning! Today is 3rd period Homeroom from 12:20 - 1:20
- Sign into your 3rd period today - we will be linking our google drive to Schoology :)
aug 25, 2020
- Good morning! This is our daily agenda for today - our first distance learning day of 2020 :)
- Take roll - are you able to log on, figure our mic and video, etc
- Daily Dose of the internet
- Intro to Course through Schoology
- Kahoot 9see if you can log in)
Aug 21, 2020
- good morning! Welcome back to distance learning. I am hoping that you can get some supplies for science this year:
- A marbled patterned 70 page composition lab book. It can be of any color, wide or college ruled. Do not get a spiral notebook - these do not last throughout the whole year.
- Scotch tape or glue sticks (not Elmers glue)
- a ruler, pencil, and if you can get a small set of colored pencils - cool.
- This is a very challenging time, but we will start slow and steady. You will need to be on time to our online classes.
- Looking forward to seeing you on Aug 25!
Aug 20, 2020
- Good morning! I have set up my WebEx meetings for your classes. I will be posting the webex links on my website (www.mstoal.com) and also Schoology next week. I'm new at this Schoology...
- and I am also setting up Google Classroom. If you could join my google classroom, that would be great!! The codes are on my website home page at www.mstoal.com