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Welcome to Science! The units we will cover this year will be NGSS aligned as much as I can - even though we do not have an NGSS textbook
Consistency and organization are keys to succeed in this class.
Grading: My grading policy is simple: Total points earned divided by total points possible.
"A”: Arrival, Attendance, Absence: **Remove your hoodie upon arrival. Beanies and hats are ok in class
“B”: Behavior, Books (lab), Bathroom Not Allowed: FOOD OR PERFUME. ONLY WATER IS ALLOWED
“C”: Communication, Check grades, Cheating: Email [email protected]
“D” Digital,Dismissal, and Deadlines,:
“E”: Electronics; extra credit, and Everything Else : **Earbuds worn in class will be confiscated.
Consistency and organization are keys to succeed in this class.
Grading: My grading policy is simple: Total points earned divided by total points possible.
"A”: Arrival, Attendance, Absence: **Remove your hoodie upon arrival. Beanies and hats are ok in class
- QUIET arrival is expected. You must be seated in your assigned seat before the 2nd bell rings or you will be marked tardy for the class period. Once you are all seated, I will play “Daily Dose of Internet”. Once seated, take out your lab book and a pencil. Update the table of contents in your lab book.
- ATTENDANCE: Attendance will be taken within the first few minutes in class. If you are not seated by the time the bell rings you will be marked tardy.
- ABSENCES: There are no make-up labs. If absent for a lab, you will not receive credit for the lab – which means no points are lost or gained. You are responsible for any missed concepts/classwork when you are absent. Check Schoology and my website. Email me or see me about missed work at lunch or after school.
“B”: Behavior, Books (lab), Bathroom Not Allowed: FOOD OR PERFUME. ONLY WATER IS ALLOWED
- Bean Bags: no food or drink. Do not sit on other people. Depending on the assignment, you may choose to work in this area too. It is here for you to take a break.
- The Dolphin Way: Be Safe, Be Respectful. Be Responsible
- Lab books: You must write in PENCIL ONLY. Be prepared to learn every day.
- Bathroom: You will receive 3 bathroom passes per trimester. This can also be used to get water, but once you use them up, that’s it for the trimester. Use the bathroom at breaks/lunch or passing periods.
“C”: Communication, Check grades, Cheating: Email [email protected]
- check my website when you are absent. Website http://www.mstoal.com
- Communicate by email. Check Schoology and your grades regularly.
- Grades: I update grades regularly. Check your grades regularly.
- Cheating or copying will result in immediate consequence. Anyone cheating will receive a zero.
“D” Digital,Dismissal, and Deadlines,:
- Digital content must be authentic (plagiarism is a form of cheating)
- Dismissal: only when everyone is seated. Must clean up/return ALL lab equipment before being seated.
- All items on the floor around YOUR SEAT, whether it is YOURS OR NOT, must be cleaned up.
- Deadlines: Late work needs to be turned in within 2 days. 1 day late is 20% deduction. 2 days late is 40% deduction, 3 days (60%), and after 5 days, it’s worth 0 points. Deadlines for projects will be posted on the whiteboard, Schoology and on my website.
“E”: Electronics; extra credit, and Everything Else : **Earbuds worn in class will be confiscated.
- Electronics: Do not take out your Chromebooks until instructed to do so.
- CELL PHONES are NOT allowed. If I find your phone out/being used, it will be brought to the office for a cell phone violation. If we use your cell phone for a calculator, it must be on airplane mode.
- Extra Credit: it is rarely given. I advise you to do it when it is offered.
- Excessive Misbehavior: if your behavior is unsafe throughout the year, you will be banned from projects (balloon cars and rockets)