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june 3, 2016
- 6th period will play their games created by their peers.
June 2, 2016
- 5th period will play their games created by their peers.
may 31, 2016
- Scandia - sub day
may 26, 2016
- Last day to work on board game
- continue movie/dogs
- Games will be played during finals day
may 24, 2016
- work on game board
- continue movie dogs
- HOMEWORK: keep bringing materials
may 20, 2016
- Measure Me Lab
- Turn in Lab books and HW passes
- Work on Science Board Game Project
- continue movie/dogs
- HOMEWORK: bring materials for a board for your game and other materials you need for your creative game
may 18, 2016
- Quest on Ecology
- Begin Science Board Game assignment
- HOMEWORK: Bring supplies for board game on Friday
may 16, 2016
- Turn in Food Chain poster
- Review for Ecology Quest
- Movie/Dogs
- HOMEWORK: missing work due asap
may 12, 2016
- Food Chain
- Web Quest
- Review for Ecology Quiz
- Homework: finish online webquest
may 10, 2016
- sub day - mega movie
- no homework
may 6, 2016
- finish presentations
- Parts Per Million Lab
- HW none; unless you have missing work
may the fourth be with you
- Use iPad to work today - go to downloadables and see powerpoint
- Cycles packet
- Biogeochemical worksheet is homework
May 2, 2016
- Presentations
april 28, 2016
- finish biome project
April 26
- Start Biome Project
- HOMEWORK: get more info and materials for project
april 22, 2016
- Earth DAY :)
- Go over Chem Final
- Hand out HW passes
- Begin Ecology
- HOMEWORK: Please download from iBooks at home:
- This is an amazing series that you all should just have access to - this UNIT 7 just came out for Earth day and it just so happens that we are starting the same unit that was just published. Its amazing. ECOLOGY!! YAY!
apr 20, 2016
- Chemistry Final
- Finish Hunting the Elements
- HOMEWORK: Binder check next block
apr 18, 2016
- check for completion: Paper 53 Molecular Marshmallow
- Go over Study Guide
- Make a quizlet for your study guide
- HOMEWORK: study for final
apr 14, 2016
- Go over / Stamp for completion Balancing Equations worksheet
- Molecular Marshmallows
- HOMEWORK: finish Paper 53 balanced equation
apr 12, 2016
- Notes on Chemical Equations
- Count Atoms (1/2 worksheet)
- Educreations video (see downloadables) on how to balance equations
- Balancing Equations worksheet
- HOMEWORK: finish balancing equations
apr 8, 2016
- P/T Valence Electron Quiz
- Alien Periodic Table
- Hunting the Elements
- HOMEWORK: turn in any missing work
apr 6, 2016
- Stamp Crossword
- hand back papers
- check grades on Aeries
- Watch Hunting the Elements
- Review for quiz next class
- Kahoots
- HOMEWORK: Periodic Table and Valence electron quiz (45 pts)
apr 4, 2016
- Finish 11 X17 Valence Electron Poster
- HOMEWORK: tba :)
Mar 31, 2016
- Collect Valence Clues worksheet
- Begin Valence Electron Poster (dots)
- HOMEWORK: none
mar 29, 2016
- Go over Elemental Fun
- Valence Electron Notes
- Begin Valence Clues worksheet - finish at home, due next class
- iPad fun to reinforce valence electrons
- Watch some more of Hunting the Elements
mar 17, 2016
- Elemental Fun - finish for homework
- Finish Atom poster - or finish at home if not finished by end of class
mar 15, 2016
- work on atom poster
- HOMEWORK: bring in what you need for your poster
mar 11, 2016
- Begin Atom Poster
- work on rough draft
- HOMEWORK: Bring in printed pictures, text (answer to three questions, title) for adding to your final poster on Tuesday. Poster is due at end of class on Thursday.
mar 9, 2016
- Turn in Element Name Poster
- Hand back/Go over Atom Quiz
- Conductivity Lab
- Begin Hunting the Elements
- HOMEWORK: none, unless you have missing work
mar 7, 2016
- Notes on Periodic Table
- Color Periodic Table in class
- Element Name Poster
- HOMEWORK: Finish element name poster
mar 3, 2016
- warm up "Scholastic Science: methane bubble trouble, methane captured on camera
- Hand back papers, go over "Inside the Squares"
- Atom quiz
- finish It's Elementary" alone - when finished with quiz
- Ted Ed video / Brielle and periodic table
- Hunting Elements and worksheet
- NONE have a nice weekend :)
mar 1, 2016
- Review for Atom Quiz next class
- Turn in Inside the Squares
- Show pHet Atom Pic Collage
- It's Elementary - work with partner
- Review for Atom Quiz next class
- HOMEWORK: study for quiz
feb 26, 2016
- Finish and spot check Atomic Box and At Str worksheet
- Go over Atom Worksheet
- POP Quiz on Atom
- Begin PHET - build an atom using pic collage.
- HOMEWORK: "Inside the Squares" 1/2 sheet for HW and finish PHET and send to me as a screen shot
feb 24, 2016
- turn in atom worksheet (due today)
- Fill in Periodic Table symbols
- Atomic Box Notes - look at downloadables
- Finish front side of Atomic Box and Atomic Structure worksheet in class
- HOMEWORK: finish backside - I gave you a number that corresponds to the atomic number (ex; 15 = Phosphorus). Just finish first half of back side - we'll do the table on the bottom of back side in class.
feb 22, 2016
- finish notes on atom
- warm up
- Quiz on Physical/Chemical Changes and Gas Laws
- Binder Check
- Bill Nye - the Atom
- HOMEWORK: finish Atom worksheet
feb 18, 2016
- reviewing for physical v chemical change and gas laws
- TedEd video on Tsunami and Chemical Changes
- Starting Notes on the Atom
- HOMEWORK: study for quiz next block, binder check next block
feb 16, 2016
- New seating chart
- Go over physical and chemical changes worksheet
- Start working on Phys/Chem changes folded sheet
- turn in poster. FIRST AND LAST NAME and period ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- we will be focusing on physical and chemical properties/changes.
- Homework: last day to turn in missling/late work is feb 18
- Finish Phys/Chem folded sheet
feb 11, 2016
- due to an unexpected emergency at home I will not be in today. please work quietly on your poster. if you have any questions, my laptop and phone are right in front of me all day and i''ll do my best to help you from home. good luck and i''ll see as soon as i can - have a great weekend. please do not turn in any late or missing work until next week. take your posters home. do not leave anything with sub. xo
- HOMEWORK: finish poster, due at the beginning of next class
- end of grading period - last day to turn in any missing work is Feb 18.
feb 9, 2016
- turn in Graphing Gas Laws w/s
- Methane Bubbles - environmental tangent: how Boyle's Law applies to the oceans and Methane Hydrate
- HOMEWORK: bring materials for working on Methane poster/book; colored pencils, headphones, printed out pictures
feb 4, 2016
- Charles' Lab Lab
- HOMEWORK: graphing gas laws worksheet
Feb 2, 2016
- hand back papers
- collect all papers from last week if you didn't turn in last week
- Gas Laws Notes
- Boyle's Law Lab
- HOMEWORK: none
jan 29, 2016
- Scholastic Science STAR WARS worksheet
- link = http://scienceworld.scholastic.com/issues/12_07_15/book
- password is moongust28 for scholastic science.
- start on Ch 3 1/2 sheet if completed (turn in 1/2 sheet Tues 2/2)
- HOMEWORK: finish STAR WARS crossword
Jan 27, 2016
- Deep Freeze Video and worksheet - turn in video worksheet at end of class
- HOMEWORK: bring iPad charged for next class
jan 25, 2016
- Finish Human Footprint Video - turn in video worksheet
- Homework: none
jan 21, 2016
- Collect Heat Energy Lab
- Hand back Language of Change of State worksheet - still one without a name...
- Quiz
- You tube video on grape plasma
- HOMEWORK: none
jan 19, 2015
- Finish Heat Energy Lab (graph) - and turn in lab
- Review for States and Phases Quiz next class
- HOMEWORK: study for quiz next class - review notes in lab book, andn #2, #4 and #7 from your binder. Its fill in the blank or circle the correct answer - pretty simple ...
jan 14, 2016
- turn in language of change of state worksheet
- warm - up
- Heat Energy Lab
- HOMEWORK: complete everything in the heat energy lab EXCEPT the graph - we'll do this together next class
Jan 12, 2015
- Turn in Liquid Science lab sheet
- Go over phase change diagram - glue into your lab book
- States and Phases worksheet - use your iPad to complete the worksheet - go to iPads and use both pdfs - one for the the front and one for the backside
- HOMEWORK: "Language of Change of State" worksheet - front and back. (matching, two cartoons on back, and the table on the bottom of back side). Due at next class - finished or not. Make fun cartoons - make me smile with your cartoons = better grade :D
jan 8, 2016
- review states of matter with powerpoint (downloadables)
- Phase Change - bookwork and notes pictures from textbook needed to do the homework (page 90 - 95) are posted under downloadables ... for those of you who lost the worksheet, or did not complete homework, or if you were absent). Use the book pictures to complete the notes - the notes go with/in order of chapter 3 - (in or near the bold print/key ideas).and review your notes with the powerpoint answers.
- HOMEWORK: 1) draw/color pictures on back side of States of Matter (3.2, melting, freezing...sublimation, depositon) and also
- 2) finish answering Liquid Science Lab (bottom question of front page and the back side needs to be completed
- AND Extension Question (how would density of liquids/solids affect our ocean environment) - turn in lab on Tuesday
jan 6, 2016
- States of Matter - see downloadables
- bookwork and review with powerpoint.
- HOMEWORK: color in your drawings for your notes
dec 16/17, 2015 finals day
- microscopes test
dec 15, 2015
- microscopes
dec 11, 2015
- microscopes
dec 9, 2015
- Go over use of microscopes
- Go over how to draw and label microscope drawings
- Try to take pics with ipads
- If you get out our your chair you will be an "observer only"
- HOMEWORK: lighly shade in your drawings with colored pencils (based on your ipad pics if you took successful pics ) :)
dec 7, 2015
- Go over Notes on Microscopes
- Go over Microscope parts
- GO to Mr Bradleys and do "Microscope with the letter "e"
- HOMEWORK: bring items if you forgot
dec 3, 2015
- Sub today - I'll be back on Monday
- Notes on Microscope are located under iPads. Use the hand out from the sub to write your notes onto the handout.
- after completing notes, turn them in to the yellow bin up front
- after this, get the hand out with the blank picture of a microscope
- Label parts of Microscope - go to my website and look at downloadables. complete the labeled parts and use colored pencils to NEATLY color in your microscope.
- If you are completely finished, please go to the Scholastic Science tab and read some of the current issue called the "SCIENCE OF STAR WARS" pretty cool articles. :)
- HOMEWORK: bring 5 items
dec 1, 2015
- Hand back Phot/Resp Quiz
- Binder Check
- Table of contents
- Hand out for Microscopes
- Chromatography lab
- HOMEWORK: finish write up if not finished in class
nov 20, 2015
- Photosynthesis and Respiration Quiz
- Cosmos video
- HOMEWORK: Binder check
nov 18, 2015
- Review for Photosynthesis and Respiration Quiz
- We will not be starting Chemistry as soon as I thought because...
- We will be using Microscopes through the month of DECEMBER YAY!
nov 16, 2015
- catch up day
- hand back papers - go over egg lab/ xword
- finish presentations
- Go over photosynthesis/respiration notes - assign worksheet to go with the notes. (Use notes to fill in homework)
- HOMEWORK: photosynthesis AND respiration worksheets (add color) BOTH!
Nov 12, 2015
- present our explain everything (minimum 2 min - maximum 5 minutes)
- HOMEWORK: for those of you who have not submitted the Explain Everything assignment- its due !!
nov 9, 2015
- We will work together in class today and teach each other how to create more within your explain everything - such as: record your voice, add a web browser, add a sound file.
- We will present our "explain everything" on Nov 12.
- HOMEWORK: finish explain everything - Due Thursday November 12
nov 5, 2015
- hold off on Photosynthesis and Respiration Notes
- Begin Explain Everything on Science topic of your choice - approve with me
- If you need assistance with this app, click on the help menu and read how the app works and watch the examples.
- For the weekend, you need to just put slides together containing the information, as stated on the green sheet. Gather your info so we can piece it together in class on Monday
- We will work together in class on Monday and teach each other how to create more within your explain everything - such as: record your voice, add a web browser, add a sound file.
- HOMEWORK: finish Explain Everything. Presenting on Th Nov 12
nov 3, 2015
- stamp Scholastic Worksheet/Crossword for completion (is it half completed?)
- Last Day of Egg Lab
- Finish Egg Lab write up - turn in egg lab today
- Back into groups to work on Scholastic Science crossword
- Turn in crossword at end of class.
- HOMEWORK: Complete notes on Photosynthesis/Respiration online
oct 30, 2015
- Egg Lab Day 3
- cell vs virus
- scholastic science "surviving mars" or "strength on numbers"
- Homework: finish 1/2 of worksheet - any half
oct 28, 2015
- turn in homework
- egg lab Day 2
- hand back, go over Cell quiz
- notes on cell transport (movement within the cell)
- HOMEWORK: finish notes if you didn't in class (go to "iPads tab" for notes
oct 26, 2015
- Cell Quiz
- Notes on "Cells to organisms" (see downloadable)
- Begin Egg Lab
- Turn in Extra Credit
- HOMEWORK: #11 and #16 on page 138/139 in textbook. If you don't have the textbook PDF on your iPad yet, go to iPads tab and scroll down and you will find the link for the 7th grade textbook there. open in iTunes and your good to go
- *****GO to DOWNLOADABLE tab to see a picture of **how to set up your homework **on binder paper due on Wed.
oct 22, 2015
- Collect plant cell drawing
- Review on the cell
- traditional review
- iPad review
- Kahoot review
oct 20, 2015
- fine tune cell models in class with whachya got in room 18
- plant cell drawing
- Who am I - worksheet - classowork turn in today
- spot check binder check - ticket out the door
- HOMEWORK- finish plant cell drawing
Oct 16, 2015
- go to library for makerspace to make a 3D model of the animal cell :)
- no homework, quiz next week Thursday on cell
oct 14, 2015
- check flash cards for completion
- Cell video with worksheet
- HOMEWORK: none
oct 12, 2015
- stamp animal cell for completion
- review animal cell drawing/worksheet
- Begin flashcards for organelles #1 - 23, see my downloadables, "flash cards and i have a photo from the board today"
- HOMEWORK" finish flashcards for next class
oct 8, 2015
- try to share ultimate KEYNOTE chapter 4/section 2 -fail - upload from "downloadables"
- assign animal cell drawing - finish drawing and table of organelle functions
- HOMEWORK: finish drawing and answer questions #1- #11 of "Animal Cell Coloring" - use internet at home for information to answer questions - good luck - it's a little challenging.
oct 6, 2015
- present your keynote slide
- cell chart (handout)
- short video on cell
- HOMEWORK: if you can find illustrations for #1-15. We will finish the chart in class next week.
oct 2, 2015
- Hand back Quiz
- Begin Ch 4 Section 1 "Cells"
- jigsaw activity with iPads
- HOMEWORK: email me your groups ONE KEYNOTE slide
sept 30, 2015
- Binder Check
- new table of contents
- new table of contents
- Turn in Lab book - open to Ch 2 notes
- turn in Spectrum of Light worksheet (Scholastic Science)14 point quiz today
- Quiz on EM Spectrum and Chapter 2 notes
- Intro to the Cell - read pages 114 - 119
- Discuss why cell is so small
- Homework: none
sept 28, 2015
- Review how to use Scholastic Science
- re Assign "Is Screen Time Making Sick"
- turn in next class.
- try and get textbook PDF added to homescreen
- Finish Ch 2 Notes of Characteristics of Life
- Review for quiz next block on 7 characteristics of Life and 7 parts of EM Spectrum - see "downloadables" for pic of review
- Highlight the parts of the Ch 2 notes
- Make a PIC COLLAGE of the 7 characteristics of life and share in class
- lab book due next class - will be checking your notes chapter 2
- HOMEWORK: quiz next class and complete is screen time making you sick
- Quiz next class on 7 char of life and 7 parts of EM spectrum
sept 24, 2015
- Post grades
- Finish Notes on Characteristics of Life - you must finish up to #34 at least! The last 12 are vocabulary and you can use your ipad for that.
- Fix numbering mistakes.
- HOMEWORK:Read the EM spectrum article on Scholastic Science. Answer the questions on the worksheet - both sides but do not make a poster
- Do not worry about Ch 2 notes on Characteristics of Life... next week we will finalize it
Sept 22, 2015
- Turn in ElectroMagnetic Spectrum poster - I started grading so don't panic if it is marked as missing. It is not "Late" -
- NEW TOPIC: Characteristics of Life: You will go to "downloadables" and Click on the "characteristics of life" and use this powerpoint to guide you through the notes. If you do not have your iPad, i can give you a class set of questions and you will answer questions using the textbook and writing them into your lab book. It will be kind of long - answering 1-46 but it's in order of the book.
- HOMEWORK: none
sept 18, 2015
- Quiz
- Finish ElectroMagnetic Poster
- MB video on goldfish (scientifc method at its best)
- NO HOMEWORK - begin Characteristics of Life next week. ANY MISSING ASSIGNMENTS must be turned in by next class (Tuesday). I am closing my gradebook for grading period 1 at the end of next class. No more missing assignments may be turned in after I close my gradebook for grading period 1.
sept 16, 2015
- Review for big Quiz next class.
- Assign Electromagnetic Poster - work on "in class" on Friday. When you finish your quiz, keep working on poster in class.
- HOMEWORK: quiz next class
sept 14, 2015
- Finish Electromagnetic Video and worksheet
- review for quiz next class (in lab book)
- HOMEWORK: review notes on scientific method and metrics
sept 10, 2015
- Begin ElectroMagnetic Spectrum video and worksheet
- Counselor and AP talks
- continue video and worksheet next class
- HOMEWORK: study your notes for quiz next week
sept 8, 2015
- pass back papers
- check grades
- textbook - look at chapter 1
- today = ch 1 sect 4: Theory vs Law and Scales and Models
- two video clips to enhance sect 4
- ch 1 sect 5 - lab Safety
- Lab Safety Handout and assign Lab Safety Poster
- HOMEWORK: parent signature on blue sheet and finish poster
sept 3, 2015
- collect Scientific Method worksheet
- student grade worksheet together
- Triple Beam Balance and Graduated Cylinder Notes and Lab
- turn in lab today
- no homework
sept 1, 2015
- copy Scientific Method into lab book (copy from text book - same chart)
- collect homework (10 metric items)
- hand back and go over back side of Scavenger Hunt
- Intro to Scientific Method - chapter 1 of textbook (p 16) why are these frogs deformed, read the data tables carefully - go over how scientists measure and conclude correctly.
- Scientific Method worksheet - begin
- HOMEWORK: finish Scientific Method worksheet (see downloadables - after 10 am on Sept 1, 205)
aug 28, 2015
- Collect lab books and stamp Measure Me Lab
- Start front side of Scavenger hunt
- Graph bottom part together.
- partner up to do bookwork/backside
- turn in worksheet and begin...
- Cup activity (if time)
- HOMEWORK: "10 Metric Items"
aug 26, 2015
- stamp homework - pink sheet
- finish Metric Notes? tape in metric staircase
- watch explain everything for metric conversions
- Measure Me Lab
- HOMEWORK: finish #1 - #3 on Measure Me Lab
aug 24, 2015
- Welcome to 7th grade science handout
- Folder Set Up
- Lab book set up
- Metric Notes
- HOMEWORK: parent signature/donation
aug 20, 2015
- "+ bonds" activity - I will be taking your picture today
- students share activity
- HOMEWORK: quiz on ABCDEFG. Entire class must average at least 80% or better or the entire class retakes quiz.