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- 2019-20 Downloadables
- 2018-19 Downloadables
- 2017-18 Downloadables
- 2010-16Downloadables
- 2019Chromebooks
- 2018Chromebooks
- 2017 iPads
june 1-3, 2016
- promotion schedule - 4th period teacher promotes you.
may 27, 2016
- minimum day
- Apollo 13 - finish movie
may 25, 2016
- Apollo 13 the movie - day one
may 23, 2016
- Homework pass redemption day
- Measure Me Lab
- Turn in lab books for end of the year grade
- Star charts
- HOMEWORK: finish star chart assignment, use colored pencils or markers
may 19, 2016
- Rocket presentations
may 17, 2016
- last day to complete google sites
- your iPads will be collected on May 19/20 in math class so your presentation must be finished and all photos added to sites
may 13, 2016
- rally schedule short day
- Launch #2
- Keep your rockets at school so you have them to finish google sites next week in class
may 11, 2016
- Repair and Modify your rockets
- work on Google sites
may 9, 2016
- Launch day #1- data is under "downloadables" in case you need it and you didn't write it down today
- HOMEWORK: bring materials to repair and modify your rockets so they are ready to launch again on Friday :)
may 5, 2016
- 2nd day to build rockets
- take pictures for your google sites
- find mass and height of each rocket
- predict which DV will be greatest each rocket
- HOMEWORK: dress appropriately for rocket launch on Monday :)
may 3, 2016
- 1st day to build rockets
- HOMEWORK: bring materials to finish rockets, maybe make your fins at home
apr 29, 2016
- finish Diarama and mini book
- HOMEWORK: you must bring materials for all of your rockets
apr 27, 2016
- Astronomy Final
- Assign Rockets and create Google Sites with Danna Rocca
apr 25, 2016
- Review for final
- Work on Solar System Diarama
- HOMEWORK: Astronomy Final on Wed
- and next on our agenda...... ROCKET PROJECT!
apr 21, 2016
- Alien Location
- AP Talks with 8th graders
- Begin Diarama for Solar System
- HOMEWORK: finsih study guide for Astronomy Final on Wed APRIL 27 !!
Apr 19, 2016
- Maker space
- Make your Alien
Apr 15, 2016
- Finish Planet Notes
- Hand out study guide for final on 4/2/16
- Alien Project - groups/planets assigned
- HOMEWORK: finish characteristics and adaptations on blue half sheet
apr 13, 2016
- star testing part 1
- Planet Notes - part 1
- Video: When we left Earth; Ordinary Supermen
apr 7, 2016
- Hand back papers - check grades
- Last day to turn in missing work for grading period
- Space Travels Notes
- Work on S-E-M poster
- HOMEWORK: Sun Models worksheet
apr 5, 2016
- Collect Astronomy Vocabulary
- Sun Notes
- Work on Sun Earth moon poster
- HOMEWORK: Phases and Eclipses worksheet
Apr 1, 2016
- Moon Notes
- Draw Phases of the Moon
- Begin Earth Moon Sun poster
- HOMEWORK: none
mar 30, 2016
- turn in space address worksheet
- Earth Notes
- HOMEWORK: Astronomy Voabulary - copy from quizlet (under iPads tab on my website) draw the pictures in color, too
mar 28, 2016
- Binder Check
- Intro to Astronomy
- Space Address worksheet - due next class HOMEWORK
- finish #yearinspace scott kelly ISS
mar 16, 2016
- test on Light Waves
- Begin #yearinspace Scott Kelly ISS
- HOMEWORK: binder check on Monday when we return
mar 14, 2016
- review for test on light/waves next class
- Flame test Lab
- Homework: study for test
mar 10, 2016
- Light Lab
- Bill Nye Waves video
- HOMEWORK: finish light lab write up
mar 8, 2016
- Finish NASA video
- Electromagnetic Spectrum - poster
- HOMEWORK: Scholastic Science (blue sheet)
mar 4, 2016
- Stamp pHet for completion
- go over Ch 3 bookwork
- Interactions of light - bookwork on refraction
- Electromagnetic Spectrum: Nasa video and worksheet
mar 2, 2016
- Go over Slinky Lab
- Chapter 3: (Life Science) bookwork - worksheet
- pHet Bending Light - go to my website (iPads)
- HOMEWORK: finish pHet at home
feb 29, 2016
- return final
- turn in Newton Poster
- Waves - Notes
- Slinky Lab - finish in class
- HOMEWORK: none
feb 25, 2016
- Physics Final
- finish Newton's Poster - turn in
- HOMEWORK: binder check next class
feb 23, 2016
- Hand back Forces Quiz
- review for final = Tea Party activity
- Kahoot review
- HOMEWORK: study for FINAL next class
feb 19, 2016
- Forces vectors - on TV screen - airplaying your drawings
- Forces Quiz
- Go over pink review sheet - get ready for final next week
- Newtons law video
- HOMEWORK: study for final
feb 17, 2016
- new seating chart
- hand back papers
- hand out study guide for physics final
- Forces: review sheet and draw vectors
- HOMEWORK: study for forces quiz on Friday, finish and email your vector drawing
feb 12, 2014
- turn in Acceleration due to Gravity Lab - finished or not
- sub day - sorry
- no homework :)
feb 10, 2016
- check momentum notes - completed in lab book
- go over notes - videos and show off angular momentum spinny thing
- Acceleration due to Gravity Lab - due today
- Video if extra time
- HOMEWORK: finish lab - turn in on friday
feb 5, 2016
- turn in vocab sheet
- pass back papers
- explain physics final and forces quiz dates
- Finish presentations
- Momentum Video
- HOMEWORK:go to downloadables and copy Momentum notes - just the underlined parts and watch the videos if you can access youtube
feb 3, 2016
- Warm up
- Newton's 2nd Law
- presentations if time permits
- HOMEWORK: finish vocabulary (#21 - #28)
Feb 1, 2016
- turn in star wars crossword
- presentations - present your google slides of your awesome balloon cars
- homework: none
jan 28, 2015
- share google slides with MS TOAL - if you havent already
- finish google slides today
- Start STAR WARS crossword using Scholastic Science
- password is moongust28
- link: http://scienceworld.scholastic.com/issues/12_07_15/book
- HOMEWORK: finish star wars crossword
jan 26, 2015
- work on Google slides
- LOOK at DOWNLOADABLES for you data for everyones balloon car - there are 3 sheets - one for each class. your data is there :) with winners announced!! :) excellent cars this year
- share with your partner and MS TOAL
- find mass using triple beam, meausure in cm, and Momentum = MASS X SPEED
- HOMEWORK: none
jan 22, 2016
- Race Balloon Cars
- write down your data
- paste correction on how to do graph in NUMBERS ***
- HOMEWORK: none
jan 20, 2016
- take photos of your balloon car as you make final modifications
- Last day to make balloon cars
- HOMEWORK: make sure your balloon car is ready to roll!!
- Bring charged iPad for next 3 classes :)
jan 15, 2016
- Quiz
- Start Balloon cars
- HOMEWORK: bring materials to decorate cars for next class
jan 13, 2016
- hand back and go over 1st Law Lab
- go over vocab
- go over another review sheet (pink) in class
- hand out Balloon Car project - pick partners
- HOMEWORK: bring materials for your car
jan 11, 2016
- Stamp HW for completion; go over HW
- warm up
- Hand back SeeSaw Lab
- review for test
- Notes on Newton's Laws
- Newton's First Law lab
- HOMEWORK: Graphing review sheet AND Finish writing the write up for 1st law - please complete your write up :)
jan 7, 2016
- hand back papers
- SeeSaw Science Lab: due today
- Bill Nye video: simple machines
- HOMEWORK: VOCAB # 10 -#20 ( iforgot to assign #9, I'll give it to you in class);
- review your notes on speed and graphing motion - test next friday
jan 5, 2016
- hand back labs/debrief
- Forces Notes
- Friction Lab - due today
- If you did not turn in the labs from the last week of December, they count for this semester so make sure you get it turned in asap! every day it's late, it's marked down more.
Finals Day:
- Notes on Potential and Kinetic Energy
- Rolling Marbles Lab - complete and turn in
DEC 14, 2015
- Hand back papers
- check grades, go over papres
- Domino Derby Lab
- HOMEWORK: complete the Lab write up
dec 10, 2015
- finish your imovies in 20 minutes
- turn in your imovie sheets and backgrounds and then...
- airplay your imovies
dec 8, 2015
- work on imovies - day 2
- Speed #1 worksheet - due next class - no exceptions - show work and BOX answers
- HOMEWORK: finish both sides of Speed #1 worksheet
dec 4, 2015
- Speed Graph and and Acceleration hand out
- only teach the acceleration part
- Shoe "imovie for Motion"
- work on iPads to make 4 mini movies
- HOMEWORK: none
dec 2, 2015
- finish frame of reference on iPads and turn into Google Classroom
- HOMEWORK: finish vocab #1 - #9 and #19 (terminal velocity)
nov 30, 2015
- Binder Check
- Hand back Chem Final and HW passes
- Begin Physics
- Frame of Reference - worksheet
- Google Classroom assignment (Paper53/Keynote) due Wednesday
- Google Classroom codes: 1st: ex4jwf 2nd: fjc5sbi 3rd: e4pidx
- HOMEWORK: finish google classroom assignment (frame of reference)
nov 19, 2015
- Element Name Poster
- HOMEWORK: finish poster if not completed in class today and assign ultimate Chemistry word search and Element Entertainment
nov 17, 2015
- Review and stamp Carbon Notes
- Review for Final - go over study guide
- Kahoot
- HOMEWORK: study for final
- IFyou were absent today or you lost your study guide, I took a pic of study guide filled out - go to DOWNLOADABLES
nov 13, 2015
- Go over balancing equations
- Review for Final
- Finish KEYNOTE presentations
- HOMEWORK: go to my website, downloadables, then tab on CARBON NOTES Notes on Carbon - in lab book - also complete study guide, review all of your notes and labs
Nov 10, 2015
- Turn in Crossword and Hot Solutions Lab
- Hand out study guide for final on November 19, 2015
- Notes on Chemical Equations
- Learn how to balance chemical equations.
- Balance Equations worksheet
- HOMEWORK: finish Balancing Equations worksheet and study for final
nov 6, 2015
- Hot Solutions Lab - finish lab and graph data in "NUMBERS". Turn in if finished, if not - then it is due next class (Nov 10)
- work on crossword when finished
- HOMEWORK: show me your graph on Tues/ Crossword (front and back) is also due on Tues
nov 4, 2015
- Notes on Chemical Bonds (see "Downloadables)**
- Hand out crossword for Scholastic Science "Surviving Mars"
- Water Molecule Lab - due today
- HOMEWORK: Finish Scholastic Science Crossword - due on Tues Nov 10
nov 2, 2015
- You should have emailed keynote to ms toal before 8am Monday
- Presentations using microphone
- HOMEWORK: Alien Periodic Table
oct 29, 2015
- work in class on Keynote Element project
- try and share you finished project with your partner
- when finished, email the keynote
- make sure you title your slide correctly when emailing me: i will mark you down if you do not have the correct title in the subject line or the correct title for your keynote!
- HOMEWORK: finish keynote - presentations next class with microphone :)
OCT 27, 2015
- Turn in extra quiz
- P/T Quiz
- Assign Keynote Element Project
- HOMEWORK: find a link to a video of your element.
oct 23, 2015
- turn in poster
- review for PT quiz next class
- TedEd Video
- static electricity video
- Common core static electrcity- play with balloons salt/pepper/hole punches
- HOMEWORK: quiz next class
oct 21, 2015
- warm up (ferrous wheel)
- Van de Graff Machine
- Finish valence electron poster
- HOMEWORK: take home and finish poster
- instructions for poster is under downloadables
oct 19, 2015
- Go over valence electron notes
- Start valence electron dot poster - leave poster in class -
- no homework
oct 15, 2015
- I will be absent today
- Valence Electron Notes
- (Begin Valence electron poster next class)
- Hunting The Elements video
- HOMEWORK: finish the electron dots, do not lose! we will finish poster next class and you need this sheet next class
oct 13, 2015
- hand back papers
- go over quiz
- Color periodic table in class
- (bring your colored pencils and markers on tues)
- Hunting the Elements video.
- HOMEWORK: none
oct 9, 2015
- Atom Quiz
- Finish pic collage presentations
- HOMEWORK: element word search
oct 7, 2015
- Conductivity Lab
- Review for Atom Quiz next Class (Friday 10/10/15)
- HOMEWORK: study for Quiz (25 points)
oct 5, 2015
- hand out inside the squares homework
- present your "Build an atom" pic collage
- Periodic Table Notes (see downloadabes)
- HOMEWORK: Inside the squares worksheet
oct 1, 2015
- Finish Deep Freeze Video
- PhEt activity (see "iPads" tab for further instruction
- HOMEWORK: Phinish (haha) PhET PicCollage for homework and screen shot your final pic and email me your final pic to me [email protected]
- [email protected]
sept 29, 2015
- Hand out Periodic Table - fill out symbols NEATLY
- TedEd video on why the atom is so small
- Atomic Box Notes - see "downloadables"
- Atomic Box and Atomic Structure worksheet
- HOMEWORK: fill in PT symbols - neatly and in ink
- make sure 1st letter is CAPITAL and second letter is lower case. Ex: Mg, Na, Au.
sept 25, 2015
- 1st day of Fall - discuss
- Notes on the Atom "see downloadalbes"
- Scholastic Science - add to homescreen
- warm up: Toxic Products, May 7, 2015 Scholastic Science
- HOMEWORK: none
sept 23, 2015
- phys and chem changes folded sheet due today.
- Finish Heat Energy Lab (graph and write up)
- Binder Check - Chemistry will be next unit
sept 21, 2015
- Pass Back papers
- go over conversion sheet
- Phase Change - notes in lab book
- Heat Energy Lab - we only have enough time to collect data
- Next class we will share data and I will walk you through how to use NUMBERS on you iPad to create a graph that each person will do. We will graph our date this way for all labs - there are many variations to graphs when using numbers - so next class we will create "basic chart" together and turn lab in - in class on wednesday.
- HOMEWORK: finish coloring physical and chemical folded sheet. under each definition, google phys prop and then phys change and then chem prop and chem change,. Click images and color and label 3 drawing for each, so you should have 12 drawings total. ALSO - add a splash of color to the color.
Remember, I'll be stamping for completion. Its up to you to correct yourself so you get it right for a future quiz (unknown when this quiz will be)
sept 17, 2015
- Collect poster
- collect lab sheets for signature
- hand back Quest
- Experimental Design Notes
- Observe MB with goldfish
- HOMEWORK: turn in any missing assignments by next class. Next class is my last day to accept work for the grading period. Any missing work for grading period 1 can not be completed or turned in after next class. No homework if you have no missing assignments. Bring your iPad charged next class.
Sept 15, 2015
- turn in pledge-a- thon packet
- Quest
- Lab Safety handout
- Lab safety poster
- HOMEWORK: finish poster, due next class
sept 11, 2015
- turn in Density Determination Lab
- glue pink study guide into lab book
- review for QUEST next class
- The Great Floating Grape
- HOMEWORK: study for "Quest" next class
sept 9, 2015
- hand back Mass and Volume Lab
- Density Determination Lab
- HOMEWORK: finish graph/write up
- (quest is bigger than a quiz, smaller than a test)
sept 4, 2015
- finish Metric Olympics Lab
- Begin Notes on Density
- Stickers for Metric winners
- HOMEWORK: none
sept 2, 2015
- check completion of col #4 and #5
- finish Mass and Volume Lab - use colored pencils for density bar graph
- Metric Olympics Lab - begin
- Homework: TBA
aug 31, 2015
- Triple Beam Balance and Graduated Cylinder Notes
- Mass and Volume Lab
- HOMEWORK: Finish Column #4 and #5 on Mass and Volume Lab - except 2nd period - we need to catch you up!
Aug 27, 2015
- Turn in lab book - I will grade Measure Me Lab
- Hand back ABCDEFG quiz - check your grade online too
- Set up Binder - Table of contents
- Metric Units Worksheet - complete and turn into bin
- hand back lab books
- Notes on Matter (cornell note format)
- cup activity if time
- set up Homework (10 metric Items)
aug 25, 2015
- stamp homework - pink signature sheet signed
- Metric Staircase - conversions
- go to DOWNLOADABLES to watch how to do metric conversions - or click on this link too
- https://drive.google.com/a/petk12.org/file/d/0B0lnCHUnP8Ttd0xWQmtPemtqbE0/view?usp=sharing
- Measure Me Lab
- HOMEWORK: Finish write up questions #1 - #3 for Measure Me Lab
Aug 21, 2015
- Welcome to 8th grade science handout
- Folder set up
- Lab book set up
- Metric Notes (Cornell Note Format)
- HOMEWORK: parent signature/donation
Aug 19, 2015
- First Day of School! :)
- "ABCDEFG" rules - hand out
- "+ bonds" activity - I will be taking your picture today :)
- students share out their activity.
- HOMEWORK: Quiz on ABCDEFG - the entire class must get at least 80% or everyone retakes quiz